Tag Archives: poll

Advertising on Blogs. What do you think?

18 Jun

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Firstly, let me just say up front, that I have no intention of advertising on The Dizzy Pen. Now that that bit is out of the way…

I’ve noticed that an ever-increasing number of bloggers are participating in Amazon Associates or similar programs that allow you to link to products on your blog. The blogger selects products, links to them from their blog and collects a referral fee if a reader clicks the link and purchases the item.

I’m not sure where I stand on this. On one level it is convenient for me as a reader because I can go directly to the item mentioned and know I’m looking at the specific product the blogger recommends. Another part of me is completely turned off by the practice.

I visit quite a few pen, ink and paper blogs. One of my favorites is now so loaded down with Amazon ads that it takes me forever and a day to load the page. The problems with loading have negatively impacted how often I visit the site.

I’m curious about what you all think about this. I’ve created a poll and placed it in my sidebar. Please take a moment to participate. I’d also love to read your comments, so if you have something to say please post it.


NB: What I call “blogger selected fee for referral advertising” is not the same as a blog host site (like WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, etc) inserting advertising into a blog without the specific authorization of the blogger. That’s another issue entirely, and one that caused me to leave LiveJournal.


ETA 07-29-10:

After 35 votes I’ve closed this poll. The results are below.